I just spoke with a future client who wants to travel but, doesn’t because she has back and knee problems and is embarrassed to go out of the country thinking she will be judged.
Sooo, I had to break my silence and speak truth to her….
I have Sciatica, I’ve had it for years. In 2022, I had an ablation on my back to ease some of the pain but instead, it made my back more stiffer than it was and if I stand in 1 place, my lower back feels like I’m being stabbed in it. So, WHENEVER I travel… I order a Wheelchair at the airport & a Mobile Scooter (if available) to use at the Resort because Concrete or any hard flooring aggravates my back even worse! I have a list of destinations for my clients where I can order any Medical Supplies you need to help you. So if you have any issues and you question your availability to Travel, Contact me and let me help you! I use to be embarrassed as well but, IDC WHAT OTHERS SAY! TRAVEL IS MY THERAPY & MY JOB. SO I WILL DO “WHATEVER” IT TAKES TO KEEP GOING, IT’S NECESSARY!
~Your Travel Therapist Budafly 🦋